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Consisting of or characterised by the telling of a story

1 Introduction
1.1 Perl Mongers 5 Minute Talks
1.2 This Talk
3 What can XML be used for
3.1 Why XML ?
3.2 Other formats ?
4 Applications
5 Classes
6 Simple Modules
7 Path Modules
8 Event Driven
9 Driver versions
11 High level APIs and Pluggins
11.1 Template Toolkit - USE IT !
11.2 Apache, AxKit and more
12 Extensions
13 RPC
15 Page History

1 IntroductionContents

1.1 Perl Mongers 5 Minute TalksContents

  • CPAN Modules
  • Introduction to people
  • Practice Speaking
  • Ideas for new talks
  • Small Tools / Helpers
  • Present your project (and solicit help)

1.2 This TalkContents

  • CPAN has 382 Modules

2 XMLContents

  • XML = human readable - think text processing
  • XML itslf tells us nothing about the data (but refers to something that does)
  • One Advantage - Generic parsing code

3 What can XML be used forContents

  • Presentation Markup
    • XHTML
    • XUL
  • Remote Procedure Calls
    • XML-RPC
    • SOAP
    • HTTP - eg: RSS
  • Documentation
    • DocBook (SGML vs XML)
  • Configuration
  • Reports (eg: output from performance tests)

3.1 Why XML ?Contents

  • Back to advantage - generic parse code
  • Support in multiple languages

3.2 Other formats ?Contents

  • INI files (from Windows)
  • TSV, CSV
  • ??? (bind, apt, ???)
  • Data::Dumper (and others), eval

4 ApplicationsContents

  • Configuration / Reporting - internal tools
  • Read / Create / Process standard docs - RSS, RDF, XHTML, DocBook
  • Provide online services - The Symantic Web ???
  • Management tools - Mac OS X stores all confg as XML

5 ClassesContents

  • Simple
  • Path
  • Event

6 Simple ModulesContents

  • XML::SimpleParser Perl extension for XML parsing without external libraries 0.01
  • XML::Simple

7 Path ModulesContents

  • What is XPath
  • Why use XPath
  • XML::XPath a set of modules for parsing and evaluating XPath statements 1.12
  • XML::XPath::Boolean Boolean true/false values
  • XML::XPath::Builder SAX handler for building an XPath tree
  • XML::XPath::Expr
  • XML::XPath::Function
  • XML::XPath::Literal Simple string values.
  • XML::XPath::LocationPath
  • XML::XPath::Node internal representation of a node
  • XML::XPath::Node::Attribute
  • XML::XPath::Node::Comment
  • XML::XPath::Node::Element
  • XML::XPath::Node::Namespace
  • XML::XPath::Node::PI
  • XML::XPath::Node::Text
  • XML::XPath::NodeSet a list of XML document nodes
  • XML::XPath::Number Simple numeric values.
  • XML::XPath::Parser
  • XML::XPath::PerlSAX A PerlSAX event generator for my wierd node structure
  • XML::XPath::Root
  • XML::XPath::Step
  • XML::XPath::Variable
  • XML::XPath::XMLParser The default XML parsing class that produces a node tree
  • XML::XPathScript Stand alone XPathScript 0.03

8 Event DrivenContents

  • Expat - XMl::Parser - the one :-)
  • XML::Parser A perl module for parsing XML documents 2.30
  • XML::Parser::Expat Lowlevel access to James Clark's expat XML parser 2.30

9 Driver versionsContents

  • What do you mean driver ?
  • Why a driver version
  • What is SAX?
  • XML::SAX Simple API for XML 0.09
  • XML::SAX::DocumentLocator Helper class for document locators
  • XML::SAX::ParserFactory Obtain a SAX parser 1.00
  • XML::SAX::PurePerl Pure Perl XML Parser with SAX2 interface 0.90
  • XML::SAX::PurePerl::DebugHandler
  • XML::SAX::PurePerl::Exception
  • XML::SAX::PurePerl::Productions
  • XML::SAX::PurePerl::Reader
  • XML::SAX::PurePerl::Reader::Stream
  • XML::SAX::PurePerl::Reader::String
  • XML::SAX::PurePerl::Reader::URI
  • XML::SAX::Base Base class SAX Drivers and Filters 1.02
  • XML::SAX::Exception Exception classes for XML::SAX 1.01
  • XML::SAX::Expat SAX2 Driver for Expat (XML::Parser) 0.30
  • XML::SAX::ByRecord Record oriented processing of (data) documents
  • XML::SAX::EventMethodMaker SAX event names, creation of methods from templates 0.10
  • XML::SAX::Machine Manage a collection of SAX processors
  • XML::SAX::Machines manage collections of SAX processors 0.31
  • XML::SAX::Machines::ConfigDefaults
  • XML::SAX::Machines::ConfigHelper
  • XML::SAX::Manifold Multipass processing of documents 0.10
  • XML::SAX::Pipeline Manage a linear pipeline of SAX processors 0.10
  • XML::SAX::Tap Tap a pipeline of SAX processors 0.10
  • XML::SAX::PurePerl Pure Perl XML Parser with SAX2 interface 0.80
  • XML::SAX::PurePerl::DebugHandler
  • XML::SAX::PurePerl::Exception
  • XML::SAX::PurePerl::Productions
  • XML::SAX::PurePerl::Reader
  • XML::SAX::PurePerl::Reader::Stream
  • XML::SAX::PurePerl::Reader::String
  • XML::SAX::PurePerl::Reader::URI
  • XML::SAX::Simple SAX version of XML::Simple 0.01
  • XML::SAX::Writer SAX2 XML Writer 0.39
  • XML::SAXDriver::CSV SAXDriver for converting CSV files to XML 0.06
  • XML::SAXDriver::Excel SAXDriver for converting Excel files to XML 0.06

10 XSLTContents

  • Standard language - convert XML to XML
  • External (java): saxon, xalen
  • Internal (perl): XML::LibXSLT
  • XML::LibXSLT Interface to the gnome libxslt library 1.31
  • XML::XSLT A perl module for processing XSLT 0.40
  • XML::XSLT::Wrapper Consistent interface to XSLT processors 0.32

11 High level APIs and PlugginsContents

11.1 Template Toolkit - USE IT !Contents

  • Template::Plugin::XML::RSS Template Toolkit plugin to the XML::RSS module 1.02
  • Template::Plugin::XML::DOM Plugin interface to XML::DOM 2.60
  • Template::Plugin::XML::RSS Plugin interface to XML::RSS 2.39
  • Template::Plugin::XML::Simple Plugin interface to XML::Simple 2.37
  • Template::Plugin::XML::Style Simple XML stylesheet transfomations 2.10
  • Template::Plugin::XML::XPath Plugin interface to XML::XPath 2.40

11.2 Apache, AxKit and moreContents

  • Apache::MimeXML mod_perl mime encoding sniffer for XML files
  • Apache::AxKit::Language::XMLNewsNITF
  • Apache::AxKit::Language::XMLNewsRDF

12 ExtensionsContents

  • CGI::ToXML Converts CGI to an XML structure 0.02
  • CGI::XML 0.10
  • CGI::XMLApplication Object Oriented Interface for CGI Script Applications
  • CGI::XMLForm Extension of which reads/generates formated XML. 0.10
  • CGI::XMLForm::Path 0.01
  • DBIx::XML_RDB Perl extension for creating XML from existing DBI datasources 0.05
  • HTML::Xml Perl extension for parsing and generating Xml documents.
  • Mail::XML Adds a toXML() method to Mail::Internet. 0.03

13 RPCContents

  • Why XML
  • RPC::XML A set of classes for core data, message and XML handling 1.11
  • RPC::XML::Client An XML-RPC client class 1.06
  • RPC::XML::Method Object encapsulation of server-side RPC methods 1.07
  • RPC::XML::Parser A container class for XML::Parser 1.03
  • RPC::XML::Procedure Object encapsulation of server-side RPC procedures 1.02
  • RPC::XML::Server A sample server implementation based on RPC::XML 1.24
  • RDF::Notation3::Template::TXML an RDF/XML converter template
  • RDF::Notation3::XML RDF/N3 to RDF/XML convertor
  • XML::RSS creates and updates RSS files 0.97

14 ALL THE RESTContents

  • AnyData::Format::XML tiedhash and DBI access to XML 0.05
  • Apache::AxKit::RayApp::DumpXML
  • Apache::MimeXML mod_perl mime encoding sniffer for XML files
  • XML::XPathTemplate Easy access to XML files using XPath and HTML::Template 0.06
  • BabelObjects::Util::Facility::XMLFacility manipulates XML data in an easy way 1.00
  • Boulder::XML XML format input/output for Boulder streams
  • Bundle::XML A bundle to install XML-related modules 0.11
  • CSS::Adaptor::DasXMLStylesheet 0.01
  • DBIx::XMLMessage XML Message exchange between DBI data sources 0.04
  • Data::DumpXML Dump arbitrary data structures as XML 1.03
  • Data::DumpXML::Parser Restore data dumped by Data::DumpXML 1.01
  • Embedix::ECD::XMLv1 adds a method to write ECD data as XML
  • Font::TTF::XMLparse provides support for XML parsing. Requires Expat module XML::Parser::Expat
  • GSM::SMS::Transport::XmlRpc 0.10
  • Glade::PerlXML
  • GoXML::XQI Perl extension for the XML Query Interface at 1.10
  • Graph::Reader::XML class for reading a Graph instance from XML 1.03
  • Graph::Writer::XML write out directed graph as XML 1.02
  • GraphViz::XML Visualise XML as a tree 0.01
  • Gtk::GladeXML
  • Kite::XML2PS reads an XML curve definition file and generates PostScript 1.03
  • Kite::XML::Node base class for XML parser nodes 1.01
  • Kite::XML::Node::Kite XML nodes to represent kite markup 1.02
  • Kite::XML::Parser XML parser for kite related markup 1.01
  • Language::DATR::DATR2XML
  • MARC::XML A subclass of to provide XML support. 0.40
  • Mail::FilterXML 0.10
  • Meta::Baseline::Lang::Xmlx language for XML files. 0.37
  • Meta::Comm::Xmlrpc::Client XML/RPC client. 0.06
  • Meta::Comm::Xmlrpc::Server XML/RPC server. 0.06
  • Meta::Lang::Xml::Xml help you with xml related tasks. 0.02
  • Meta::Tool::Xmllint run xmllint to check xml files. 0.02
  • Meta::Widget::Gtk::XmlTree widget to show/edit XML::DOM objects. 0.10
  • Meta::Xml::Dom XML/DOM parser. 0.07
  • Meta::Xml::Parsers::Author Object to parse an XML/author file. 0.08
  • Meta::Xml::Parsers::Base object to derive XML parsers from. 0.08
  • Meta::Xml::Parsers::Checker an XML checker class. 0.06
  • Meta::Xml::Parsers::Connections Object to parse an XML definition of Connections object. 0.32
  • Meta::Xml::Parsers::Dbdata parser which imports into a database. 0.13
  • Meta::Xml::Parsers::Def Object to parse an XML definition of a database. 0.42
  • Meta::Xml::Parsers::Deps dependency analyzer for XML files. 0.13
  • Meta::Xml::Parsers::Graph Object to parse an XML definition of a graph. 0.08
  • Meta::Xml::Parsers::Links parser for XML/links files. 0.08
  • Meta::Xml::Parsers::Movie object to import movie XML data into a database. 0.09
  • Meta::Xml::Parsers::Perlpkgs Object to parse an XML/perlpkgs file. 0.13
  • Meta::Xml::Parsers::Type find type of an XML file. 0.07
  • Meta::Xml::Parsers::Xoptions Object to parse XML option files. 0.10
  • Meta::Xml::ValidWriter extend XML::ValidWriter. 0.07
  • Meta::Xml::Writer XML::Writer with some extra stuff. 0.09
  • Nmap::Scanner::Backend::XML
  • Nmap::Scanner::Backend::XML
  • OpenFrame::Slot::XML parses XML documents
  • PApp::XML pxml sections and more 0.12
  • Font::TTF::XMLparse provides support for XML parsing. Requires Expat module XML::Parser::Expat
  • PPM::XML::Element Base element class for XML elements 1.07
  • PPM::XML::PPD PPD file format and XML parsing elements
  • PPM::XML::PPMConfig PPMConfig file format and XML parsing elements
  • PPM::XML::RepositorySummary
  • PPM::XML::ValidatingElement XML Element with DTD-like validation rules 1.04
  • Pod::PXML pxml2pod, pod2pxml 0.10
  • Pod::XML Module to convert POD to XML 0.93
  • RedHat::XML
  • SAP::BC::XMLRFC Perl extension for performing RFC Function calls against an SAP R/3 using the Business Connector Sys 0.05
  • Apache::XMLRPC::Lite mod_perl-based XML-RPC server with minimum configuration 0.52
  • XML::Parser::Lite Lightweight regexp-based XML parser 0.52
  • XMLRPC::Lite client and server implementation of XML-RPC protocol 0.52
  • XMLRPC::Test Test framework for XMLRPC::Lite 0.52
  • XMLRPC::Transport::HTTP Server/Client side HTTP support for XMLRPC::Lite 0.52
  • XMLRPC::Transport::POP3 Server side POP3 support for XMLRPC::Lite 0.52
  • XMLRPC::Transport::TCP Server/Client side TCP support for XMLRPC::Lite 0.52
  • SPOPS::Export::XML Export SPOPS objects in XML format
  • SVG::XML Handle the XML generation bits for 1.00
  • SYMM::SMIL::XMLBase 0.50
  • SYMM::SMIL::XMLContainer 0.50
  • SYMM::SMIL::XMLTag 0.50
  • WWW::Search::Scraper::TidyXML base class for structuring and scraping ill-formed HTML 1.06
  • SMIL::XMLBase 0.86
  • SMIL::XMLContainer 0.86
  • SMIL::XMLTag 0.86
  • SYMM::SMIL::XMLBase 0.50
  • SYMM::SMIL::XMLContainer 0.50
  • SYMM::SMIL::XMLTag 0.50
  • SysConfig::XML
  • Tk::XMLViewer Tk widget to display XML 0.13
  • VoiceXML::Server An easy-to-use VoiceXML server class
  • WAP::SAXDriver::wbxml SAX parser for WBXML file 1.01
  • Wombat::Util::XmlAction xml parser event handler
  • Wombat::Util::XmlMapper xml file parser
  • XML::AutoWriter DOCTYPE based XML output 0.30
  • XML::Doctype A DTD object class 0.11
  • XML::Doctype::AttDef A class representing a definition in an tag 0.10
  • XML::Doctype::ElementDecl A class representing an tag 0.10
  • XML::ValidWriter DOCTYPE driven valid XML output
  • XML::BMEcat Perl extension for generating BMEcat-XML
  • XML::CSV Perl extension converting CSV files to XML 0.14
  • XML::Canonical Perl Implementation of Canonical XML 0.03
  • XML::Catalog Resolve public identifiers and remap system identifiers 0.02
  • XML::Checker A perl module for validating XML 0.09
  • XML::Checker::Parser an XML::Parser that validates at parse time
  • XML::DOM::ValParser an XML::DOM::Parser that validates at parse time
  • XML::Clean Ensure, that (HTML) text pass throught an XML parser.
  • XML::Conf 0.02
  • XML::Config 0.20
  • XML::DOM A perl module for building DOM Level 1 compliant document structures 1.36
  • XML::DOM::DOMException
  • XML::DOM::NamedNodeMap A hash table interface for XML::DOM
  • XML::DOM::NodeList A node list as used by XML::DOM
  • XML::DOM::PerlSAX Old name of XML::Handler::BuildDOM
  • XML::Handler::BuildDOM PerlSAX handler that creates XML::DOM document structures
  • XML::DT a package for down translation of XML to strings 0.19
  • XML::Directory returns a content of directory as XML
  • XML::Directory::Apache mod_perl wrapper over XML::Directory
  • XML::Directory::SAX a subclass to generate SAX events
  • XML::Directory::String a subclass to generate strings
  • XML::Driver::HTML SAX Driver for non wellformed HTML. 0.05
  • XML::Dumper Perl module for dumping Perl objects from/to XML 0.40
  • XML::EP A framework for embedding XML into a web server
  • XML::EP::Control
  • XML::EP::Error
  • XML::EP::Formatter::HTML
  • XML::EP::Install
  • XML::EP::Processor::EmbPerl
  • XML::EP::Processor::XSLT
  • XML::EP::Processor::XSLTParser
  • XML::EP::Producer::File
  • XML::EP::Request::CGI
  • XML::EP::Response
  • XML::EP::Test
  • XML::EasyOBJ Easy XML object navigation 1.00
  • XML::Edifact Perl module to handle XML::Edifact messages. 0.45
  • XML::Encoding A perl module for parsing XML encoding maps. 1.01
  • XML::Excel Perl extension converting Excel files to XML 0.01
  • XML::Filter::Base Base class for XML::Filter modules 0.01
  • XML::Filter::BufferText Filter to put all characters() in one event 0.01
  • XML::Filter::Cache a SAX2 recorder/playback mechanism 0.03
  • XML::Filter::Cache::File Filesystem based caching implementation 0.02
  • XML::Filter::DetectWS A PerlSAX filter that detects ignorable whitespace 0.01
  • XML::Filter::Digest 0.06
  • XML::Filter::Dispatcher Path based event dispatching with DOM support 0.31
  • XML::Filter::Dispatcher::Ops The Syntax Tree
  • XML::Filter::Dispatcher::Parser
  • XML::Filter::Hekeln a SAX stream editor 0.05
  • XML::Filter::Reindent Reformats whitespace for pretty printing XML 0.02
  • XML::Filter::SAX1toSAX2 Convert SAX1 events to SAX2 0.01
  • XML::Filter::SAX2toSAX1 Convert SAX2 events to SAX1 0.01
  • XML::Filter::SAXT Replicates SAX events to several SAX event handlers 0.01
  • XML::Filter::XInclude XInclude as a SAX Filter 1.00
  • XML::Filter::XSLT XSLT as a SAX Filter 0.02
  • XML::Filter::XSLT::LibXSLT LibXSLT SAX Filter
  • XML::GDOME Interface to Level 2 DOM gdome library 0.70
  • XML::GXML Perl extension for XML transformation, XML->HTML conversion 2.10
  • XML::Generator subclass for producing DOM trees instead of strings. 0.91
  • XML::Generator::DOM 0.10
  • XML::Generator::DBI Generate SAX events from SQL queries 0.03
  • XML::Generator::PerlData Perl extension for generating SAX2 events from nested Perl data structures. 0.87
  • XML::Generator::Win32OLETypeLib Generate SAX (XML) from COM typelibs 0.01
  • XML::Grove Perl-style XML objects 0.46
  • XML::Grove::AsCanonXML output XML objects in canonical XML
  • XML::Grove::AsString output content of XML objects as a string
  • XML::Grove::Builder PerlSAX handler for building an XML::Grove
  • XML::Grove::Factory simplify creation of XML::Grove objects
  • XML::Grove::IDs return an index of `id' attributes in a grove
  • XML::Grove::Path return the object at a path
  • XML::Grove::PerlSAX an PerlSAX event interface for XML objects
  • XML::Grove::Sub run a filter sub over a grove
  • XML::Grove::Subst substitute values into a template
  • XML::Grove::XPointer deprecated module once intended for XPointer
  • XML::Handler::2Simple SAX => XML::Simple handler 0.10
  • XML::Handler::AxPoint AxPoint XML to PDF Slideshow generator 0.02
  • XML::Handler::Composer Another XML printer/writer/generator 0.01
  • XML::Handler::HTMLWriter SAX Handler for writing HTML 4.0 2.00
  • XML::Handler::Machine2GraphViz 0.20
  • XML::Handler::PrintEvents Prints PerlSAX events (for debugging) 0.01
  • XML::Handler::Trees PerlSAX handlers for building tree structures 0.01
  • XML::Handler::YAWriter Yet another Perl SAX XML Writer 0.23
  • XML::LibRSVG Interface to gnome's librsvg 0.01
  • XML::LibXML Interface to the gnome libxml2 library 1.31
  • XML::LibXML::Boolean Boolean true/false values
  • XML::LibXML::Literal Simple string values.
  • XML::LibXML::NodeList a list of XML document nodes
  • XML::LibXML::Number Simple numeric values.
  • XML::LibXML::SAX::Builder build a LibXML tree from SAX events
  • XML::LibXML::SAX::Generator Generate SAX events from a LibXML tree
  • XML::LibXML::SAX::Parser LibXML DOM based SAX Parser 1.00
  • XML::MetaGenerator Collects user input, validates input and generates output in a number of ways based on the defined g
  • XML::MetaGenerator::Formula
  • XML::MetaGenerator::Formula::Collector::Apache
  • XML::MetaGenerator::Formula::Collector::Environment
  • XML::MetaGenerator::Formula::Collector::ReadLine
  • XML::MetaGenerator::Formula::Generator::SimpleHTML
  • XML::MetaGenerator::Formula::Generator::XML
  • XML::NamespaceSupport a simple generic namespace support class 1.04
  • XML::Node Node-based XML parsing: an simplified interface to XML::Parser 0.11
  • XML::PYX XML to PYX generator 0.07
  • XML::Parser A perl module for parsing XML documents 2.30
  • XML::Parser::Expat Lowlevel access to James Clark's expat XML parser 2.30
  • XML::Parser A perl module for parsing XML documents 2.30
  • XML::Parser::Expat Lowlevel access to James Clark's expat XML parser 2.30
  • XML::Parser A perl module for parsing XML documents 2.30
  • XML::Parser::Expat Lowlevel access to James Clark's expat XML parser 2.30
  • XML::Parser::EasyTree Easier tree style for XML::Parser 0.01
  • XML::QL An XML query language 0.07
  • XML::RDDL Interface to RDDL ( 0.03
  • XML::RDDL::Directory RDDL Directory Interface 0.01
  • XML::RDDL::Driver SAX2 Driver for RDDL Directories 0.00
  • XML::RDDL::Resource RDDL Resource Interface 0.01
  • XML::Records Perlish record-oriented interface to XML 0.12
  • XML::RegExp Regular expressions for XML tokens 0.02
  • XML::Registry Perl module for loading and saving an XML registry. 0.02
  • XML::Filter::Distributor Multipass processing of documents 0.10
  • XML::Filter::DocSplitter Multipass processing of documents 0.10
  • XML::Filter::Merger Assemble multiple SAX streams in to one document 0.10
  • XML::Filter::SAXT Replicates SAX events to several SAX event handlers
  • XML::Filter::Tee Send SAX events to multiple processor, with switching 0.10
  • XML::Sablotron a Perl interface to the Sablotron XSLT processor 0.82
  • XML::Sablotron::DOM The DOM interface to Sablotron's internal structures
  • XML::Sablotron::SAXBuilder builds a Sablotron DOM document from SAX events
  • XML::Schematron Perl implementation of the Schematron. 0.97
  • XML::Schematron::LibXSLT Perl extension for validating XML with XPath/XSLT expressions. 0.95
  • XML::Schematron::Sablotron Perl extension for validating XML with XPath/XSLT expressions. 0.97
  • XML::Schematron::XPath Perl extension for validating XML with XPath expressions. 0.97
  • XML::SemanticDiff Perl extension for comparing XML documents. 0.93
  • XML::SemanticDiff::BasicHandler Default handler class for XML::SemanticDiff 0.93
  • XML::Simple Easy API to read/write XML (esp config files) 1.08
  • XML::SimpleObject Perl extension allowing a simple object representation of a parsed XML::Parser tree. 0.50
  • XML::SimpleObject::LibXML Perl extension allowing a simple(r) object representation of an XML::LibXML DOM object. 0.50
  • XML::Stream Creates and XML Stream connection and parses return data 1.14
  • XML::Stream::Hash Functions to make building and parsing the hash easier 1.14
  • XML::Stream::Namespace Object to make defining Namespaces easier in 1.14
  • XML::Stream::Parser SAX XML Parser for XML Streams 1.14
  • XML::Stream::Parser::DTD XML DTD Parser and Verifier 1.14
  • XML::Stream::Tree Functions to make building and parsing the tree easier 1.14
  • XML::TiePYX Read or write XML data in PYX format via tied filehandle 0.05
  • XML::TokeParser Simplified interface to XML::Parser 0.04
  • XML::Element XML elements with the same interface as HTML::Element 3.08
  • XML::TreeBuilder Parser that builds a tree of XML::Element objects 3.08
  • XML::Twig A perl module for processing huge XML documents in tree mode. 3.02
  • XML::UM Convert UTF-8 strings to any encoding supported by XML::Encoding
  • XML::WMM::ASX a very simple OO interface to create Windows Media Metafile ASX. 0.30
  • XML::Writer Perl extension for writing XML documents. 0.40
  • XML::XQL A perl module for querying XML tree structures with XQL 0.66
  • XML::XQL::DOM Adds XQL support to XML::DOM nodes
  • XML::XQL::Date Adds an XQL::Node type for representing and comparing dates and times
  • XML::XQL::Debug
  • XML::XQL::DirXQL
  • XML::XQL::Parser
  • XML::XQL::Strict
  • XML::Xalan Perl interface to Xalan C++ 0.42
  • XML::Xalan::DOM Exports DOM node type constants 0.01
  • XML::miniXQL Module for doing stream based XML queries 0.04
  • XML::miniXQL::Parser 0.01
  • XMLNews::HTMLTemplate A module for converting NITF to HTML. 0.01
  • XMLNews::Meta A module for reading and writing XMLNews metadata files. 0.01
  • XTM::XML Topic Map management, syncing with XML data 0.03
  • XTM::XML::MemoryBuilder XTM XML parser
  • XTM::XML::ParseError
  • Bio::Variation::IO::xml XML sequence variation input/output stream
  • XML::Checker A perl module for validating XML 0.09
  • XML::Checker::Parser an XML::Parser that validates at parse time
  • XML::DOM A perl module for building DOM Level 1 compliant document structures 1.27
  • XML::DOM::DOMException
  • XML::DOM::NamedNodeMap A hash table interface for XML::DOM
  • XML::DOM::NodeList A node list as used by XML::DOM
  • XML::DOM::PerlSAX Old name of XML::Handler::BuildDOM
  • XML::DOM::ValParser an XML::DOM::Parser that validates at parse time
  • XML::Filter::DetectWS A PerlSAX filter that detects ignorable whitespace
  • XML::Filter::Reindent Reformats whitespace for pretty printing XML
  • XML::Filter::SAXT Replicates SAX events to several SAX event handlers
  • XML::Handler::BuildDOM PerlSAX handler that creates XML::DOM document structures
  • XML::Handler::Composer Another XML printer/writer/generator
  • XML::Handler::PrintEvents Prints PerlSAX events (for debugging)
  • XML::RegExp Regular expressions for XML tokens
  • XML::UM Convert UTF-8 strings to any encoding supported by XML::Encoding
  • XML::XQL A perl module for querying XML tree structures with XQL 0.63
  • XML::XQL::DOM Adds XQL support to XML::DOM nodes
  • XML::XQL::Date Adds an XQL::Node type for representing and comparing dates and times
  • XML::XQL::Debug
  • XML::XQL::DirXQL
  • XML::XQL::Parser
  • XML::XQL::Strict
  • XML::ESISParser Perl SAX parser using nsgmls 0.07
  • XML::Handler::CanonXMLWriter output XML in canonical XML format 0.07
  • XML::Handler::Sample a trivial PerlSAX handler
  • XML::Handler::Subs a PerlSAX handler base class for calling user-defined subs 0.07
  • XML::Handler::XMLWriter a PerlSAX handler for writing readable XML 0.07
  • XML::Parser::PerlSAX Perl SAX parser using XML::Parser 0.07
  • XML::PatAct::Amsterdam An action module for simplistic style-sheets 0.07
  • XML::PatAct::MatchName A pattern module for matching element names 0.07
  • XML::PatAct::ToObjects An action module for creating Perl objects 0.07
  • XML::Perl2SAX 0.07
  • XML::SAX2Perl translate Perl SAX methods to Java/CORBA style methods 0.07
  • XML::RAX Record-oriented API for XML 0.01

15 Page HistoryContents

$Id: index.txt,v 1.2 2002/11/21 09:33:22 scottp Exp $